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The AER ensures the safe, efficient, orderly, and environmentally responsible development of hydrocarbon resources over their entire life cycle. As part of this mandate, one of the AER's key services is to provide credible information about Alberta's energy resources that can be used for decision making. To this end, the AER issues a report every year that gives stakeholders independent and comprehensive information on the state of reserves and the supply and demand outlook for Alberta's diverse energy resources: crude bitumen, crude oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, coal, and sulphur. This year's report also includes a new section on new reserve estimates for the Athabasca area. The AER has incorporated a new approach to assessing oil sands reserves in that region.

The current version of ST98 includes estimates of initial established reserves (recoverable quantities estimated to be in the ground before any production), remaining established reserves (recoverable quantities known to be left in the ground), and ultimate potential (recoverable quantities that have already been discovered plus those that have yet to be discovered). It also includes, for Alberta's energy resources, supply and demand for 2019 and a ten-year supply and demand forecast from 2020 through 2029 (the forecast period). Additionally, this report discusses prices and capital expenditures in the oil and gas sector, and pipelines and other infrastructure related to Alberta's energy resources.

Electronic data files for crude oil and natural gas reserves, as well as PDF maps of designated fields, oil sands areas, development entities, and documents related to ST98, are available for purchase from the AER's product catalogue.

The ST98: Alberta Energy Outlook 2020 executive summary and the report highlights infographic are available for download in PDF format.

For general inquiries, contact @email.

*Some of the data for this report contains information provided by third parties. For additional information about the limitations and restrictions applicable to these documents, please refer to the AER Copyright and Disclaimer page.